Dynamic conferencerooms in FreePBX 07-11-2013
With the standard FreePBX, you can only make an extension with a single conference room. With this neat little piece of code, you can make a dynamic conference rooms connected to one single extension.
Using JSONP for exchanging data across domains 25-09-2013
If you are building a website and would like to make a JQUERY call to a LotusScript agent in an IBM database on another domain, you are likely to run into security issues in your browser.
Increase your virtualization storage with iSCSI 07-09-2013
Vmware ESXI supports iSCSI as a storage solution. With that you can both connect a centralized backupserver, or increase storage size with disks in a SAN.
HTTP-log comes from a HTTP-server 23-01-2013
You shouldn't rely on JavaScript-based tools for logs and analytics, if you realy want to know whats going on at your website.