Semaphor blog
Blog: Semaphor

September 2024

Conventu – Secure your online meetings 18-09-2024

Online meetings have become an integral part of daily life in many businesses, goverments and often even in private contexts. The underlying technology that allows for this type of browser based communication is called Web Real-Time Communications, or just WebRTC for short. It is an open source web standard that virtually all software, that delivers audio and video communication over the internet, builds upon.

We are Nextcloud fans! 11-09-2024

At Semaphor we have been using Nextcloud (ownCloud) for more than 10 years and it is still our daily driver for sharing files both internally and externally. The evolution of Nextcloud over the years has been no less than impressive and the current state of the software allows Nextcloud to solve a large number of every day office tasks.

Geminus – A completely open source two factor solution 04-09-2024

Two factor authentication (2FA) has become standard in securing your infrastructure against unwanted access. As the name implies, 2FA demands that users authenticate using two means, or factors.